FIRST Episode

FIRST Episode is a coordinated specialty care program for individuals who have had a first episode of psychotic illness. A psychotic illness like Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder is a mental illness where someone experiences some loss of contact with reality. With treatment, people with psychotic illness can and do get better, and early treatment is very important. Research suggests that the sooner treatment of a psychotic illness begins, the better the chances of a faster and more complete recovery.

FIRST episode is a personalized treatment program that include coordination of Individual Resiliency Training, Psychiatric Care, Supported Employment/Education, Family Education and Support, Case Management services.

Allwell Behavioral Health Services has established a dedicated phone line specifically for anyone experiencing psychotic symptoms. If you or someone you know is experiencing things that others do not see or hear, persistent unusual thoughts or beliefs, trouble thinking clearly or concentrating, suspiciousness or extreme uneasiness with others, and serious problems at work or school, please seek professional help as soon as possible by calling 740-562-3270.

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